3 Benefits Of Meal Prep Services

As our lives get busier and more hectic, the simple act of preparing meals can become an incredible source of stress and time drain. That's why meal prep delivery services are becoming so popular - they allow you to outsource the cooking while still eating healthy, delicious meals at home.

Here are 3 key benefits of utilizing a meal prep chef:

1. More Quality Time With Loved Ones

We all wish we had more free time in our days to spend with family, friends, and pursuing hobbies we enjoy. A University of Maryland study found that spending quality time with loved ones was associated with decreases in loneliness, improved overall health and even longer lifespan. With a meal prep service doing the cooking, you instantly gain back several hours per week that were previously spent planning, shopping, cooking and cleaning up after meals. The average person will spend 25 hours planning, shopping for, cooking, and cleaning up their own meals per week. In contrast, it takes a professional chef only 6 hours total to complete this huge task.

You can reinvest that time in relationships and activities that are enriching to your life.

2. Healthy Food at Your Fingertips

We all know eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is important for both physical and mental health. But with our jam-packed schedules, it's so easy to slip into a pattern of grabbing unhealthy, pre-made convenience foods. Having fresh, portion-controlled meals prepared by professional chefs in your home eliminates that pitfall. You get the benefits of healthy, tasty food without any of the planning, shopping or cooking hassle.

Eating healthy becomes the easy choice!

3. Less Daily Stress

woman relaxing in a hammock with iphone hat sunglasses on a sunny day

Trying to juggle planning breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks for yourself or an entire family, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year is a Herculean task that causes incredible stress and mental drain. A 2021 study found that reducing sources of chronic stress can increase longevity by an average of 4.5 years. Just think about the cumulative stress of grocery shopping, remembering to defrost ingredients, keeping a stocked pantry, prepping ingredients, following recipes, timing dishes to be ready at once, and then cleaning up afterwards - and that's if everything goes smoothly!

With a meal service, all those stressors simply melt away from your daily life.


In today's frenzied world, utilizing a meal prep service is an investment that pays dividends in your most precious resources - your time, health and mental wellbeing. If you're looking to gain back hours, eat better and stress less, it may be time to consider letting professionals handle your meals.


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